Date: 25/8/23 

Location: Sum College of Teacher Education 

1. Introduction 

Onam, one of the most significant festivals in Kerala, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor at Sum College of Teacher Education. The event brought together students, faculty, and staff to commemorate the spirit of Onam through various traditional and cultural activities. 

2. Floral Carpet Decoration 

One of the highlights of the Onam celebration at Sum College of Teacher Education was the stunning floral carpet (Pookalam) prepared by the students. This intricate and colorful design, made with a variety of flowers and petals, adorned the college’s entrance, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. 

3. Onam Sadya 

A traditional Onam feast, known as Onam Sadya, was prepared by the students and served to everyone in attendance. The Sadya consisted of a wide array of delectable dishes, including rice, sambar, avial, thoran, and a variety of payasams. The traditional way of serving the Sadya on banana leaves added to the authenticity of the celebration. 

4. Variety Entertainment 

The celebration was not limited to just the culinary delights. Students organized a series of entertaining and engaging activities that brought everyone together: 

a. Tug of War: A spirited tug of war competition was organized, where teams competed in a friendly battle of strength and strategy. 

b. Musical Chairs: The classic game of musical chairs added an element of fun as participants danced around the chairs, hoping to secure a seat when the music stopped.

c. Lemon in the Spoon Race: This traditional game required participants to balance a lemon on a spoon while racing to the finish line, creating laughter and excitement. 

5. Cultural Performances 

In addition to the games, cultural performances were also a part of the celebration. Students showcased their talents through traditional dances, songs, and skits that highlighted the rich cultural heritage of Kerala. 

6. Conclusion 

The Onam celebration at Sum College of Teacher Education was a resounding success, fostering a sense of unity and cultural pride among the students, faculty, and staff. The combination of floral carpet decoration, a sumptuous Onam Sadya, and a variety of entertaining activities created a memorable and enjoyable event for all. It served as a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the sense of community and promote cultural diversity within the college.